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Thank you for taking the time to read the various articles on this website. Thank you also for buying my eBooks (if you did or you are planning to).


This section is for anyone who desires to support my writing for women and daughters. I am grateful for your support. 

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My Story

I was born in Birmingham, England but grew up in Nigeria West Africa. I had my education (secondary and university) over 3 states in Nigeria with different cultural leanings and beliefs... The communities I grew up in still have an unhealthy perspective about women and daughters. 


I presently live and work in London, UK and I discovered to my shock , that we now use the camouflage of enhanced "women's rights" to mask the awful treatment of women and daughters in the West. 


We are in a crisis and the future looks bleak for women and our daughters. 


It is becoming increasingly difficult  women and our daughters to take pride in their identity as women in the West, while in some nations women and daughters have their freedom and choices curtailed and dictated by men using religion and culture as a tool.


I have set out to listen, interpret and write what LOVE would say to women, daughters and even men and sons. I am certain we need an overturn in our thinking processes. 


This website and my books are my own contributions to listen and interpret as best as I can the truth from Love to women, daughters, men and sons alike.


Please be prepared to be challenged. 


we must all review and reflect upon our thinking ,attitudes; actions and decisions towards women and daughters in our homes; extended families, religious communities, and nations.


Welcome and I deeply appreciate your engagement.

My Story
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